Elbolag topp 30
Mest innovativa elbolagen 2023 enligt elkonsumenterna
What we do
We help our customers to continuously increase the strength of their brands through data-driven and predictive insights. Through Odyssey’s platform & products, our customers can follow the brand’s development and at the same time understand the effects.
What we offer
Optimize your online advertising. Pulse eye-tracking technology shows who’s really looking at your ads compared to your competitors’ ads.
Brand tracker
You love your brand, but do your customers? With a tap of your fingers, our Brand Tracker will tell you how they feel.
Brand strategy
Power your brand. Our strategic consulting services are backed by advanced analytics and work seamlessly with our SaaS solutions.
Pulse by the numbers
12% of all impressions on desktop resulted in human attention.
Average Fixation Time
On average, Swedes look at an ad on desktop for 2,38 seconds.
Unique brands tracked in Pulse
Pulse is currently tracking and monitoring 250 brands.