Get the right perspectives to guide your decisions

Winning strategies combine consumer/decision-maker needs and market opportunities. Our deep and diverse experience enables us to bring both perspectives to your strategy decisions.
Odyssey’s strategic consulting services are backed by advanced analytics to power your brand, market and/or product strategy. And they work seamlessly with our tactical SaaS solutions.
We give you what you need to optimize and implement your strategic business decisions. These are some of the questions that we help our clients answer every day.
We have several different but undifferentiated brands. How do we position and differentiate them in the most profitable way?
Brand portfolio management
Our company continuously measures a large number of KPIs. But how do they affect not only each other, but also – and especially – our short-term and long-term profitability?
Holistic econometric modeling
Where is the market is headed and what types of customers should we prioritize?
Developing a new brand platform and product range
We currently market our offer to everyone in much the same way. How do we become more relevant and differentiate/direct our communications and offers based on specific consumer/decision-maker needs and drivers?
Segmentation and targeting
What is driving consumers/decision-makers today? And what about tomorrow? What are their important needs and how do we deliver on them?
Consumer/decision-maker drivers
We just acquired a competitor and we are unsure whether we should keep their brand or use our brand instead. How important is their brand to their existing customers? How do they perceive our brand? Do their customers have other needs and, if so, what are they?
Using an acquired brand – or not
How can we increase our market share? Why are we losing market share? Where is the potential? Which segments or target groups? Which countries? With which brands?
Growing market share
Our company works with both B2B as well as B2C. How do we best position our brand based on market requirements and needs towards both B2B and B2C?
Positioning towards B2B vs B2C
Our industry is undergoing significant change and is converging with other industries. How should we position ourselves? What new consumer/decision-maker needs should be our highest priorities?
Developing priorities and positioning for change
A competitor has quickly gained a strong position in the market. We need to understand which customers the competitor attracts, which needs customers think they deliver better on, and which needs give us the most leverage.
Understanding a competitive threat
Our offer
The Brand Excellence
We apply a selection of our eight insight modules to address your strategy questions so you get empirical, reliable and actionable insights and recommendations.
Marketing Sizing
How much is the market worth today? And tomorrow?
Market Trends
What are the key trends affecting consumers and businesses today and tomorrow?
Customer Needs
What needs and drivers do consumers or companies have? This includes the strategic map and consumer/business segmentation.
Brand Strength
What brands are consumers familiar with, use today or consider using? Brand Equity measurement.
Brand Position
What functional and emotional attributes do consumers associate with each brand?
White Space Analysis
What needs exist in the market that current brands do not deliver on well enough?
Brand Fit
How do each of your brands differentiate from its competition based on the needs of the market and segments?
Brand Potential
Based on your strategically prioritized business issues, Odyssey delivers strategic and actionable recommendations based on in-depth analyses and insights.
Don't just take our word for it
Without data you’re just another person with an opinion. But data is not enough. If your organization does not understand how to act on it, you are still in the dark.
Our partners
Sometimes the most cost-efficient way to deliver the strategic insights and recommendations you need is to supplement our expertise by working with partners that have additional cutting-edge competence. Here are three partners we work closely with.
Augur: Our partner for in-depth qualitative insights

With our fundamental understanding of human experiences, we create strategies and innovations in line with cultural change. By getting insight, setting strategies and driving innovation with cultural change as a basis, we are enabling smart business development. We simply provide our clients with the tools to develop brands, products and services that are truly desirable.
Silver: Our partner for brand strategy and design
We are a brand & design agency. We believe that by building creative spaces, we can enable people to do greater things. People, as in employees, clients, guests, friends – and as in brands. Brands that we develop, always through the unification of strategy and design. Always together with our friends and clients.
Symbal: Our partner for human implementation and change management

Symbal believes that successful change journeys happen when we approach them holistically, with a simultaneous focus on business goals and people. We help customers build capabilities; motivate and make people feel secure; and clarify expectations - through engaging communication, targeted training, and learning in the workflow. To reach the goal of change, you need to help people apply their new learnings in the work situation. Real “Aha!” moments usually happen at work and not in the classroom.